Category: Plugins


How to use WordPress Cron to Schedule Events

WordPress Cron is a useful functionality that is provided by WordPress since 2.1. This simulates an actual cron job and gives the scheduling ability to plugins or themes without requiring regular users to set real cron jobs on their servers. In this tutorial we will look into different WordPress Cron functions and learn how to use them.

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Use YouTube API to Create a WordPress Video Modal

Video Modals are a common way of displaying a new feature of your product or even to present your visitors something else. YouTube API provides us with a better control over videos hosted on YouTube. In this tutorial we will create a Video Modal using WordPress shortcodes. By setting a shortcode in our content, we will display a button that will open a video in a modal.

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How to Create a WordPress Widget with ReactJS and REST API

ReactJS and the WordPress REST API is relatively new. Using the WordPress REST API we can easily create various interfaces that can be even remote and not connected directly to WordPress. With ReactJS we can connect to WordPress and create parts of our website pretty fast. In this tutorial we will create a WordPress widget to retrieve 5 random posts which people can like.

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