If you’re working with bundled products in Easy Digital Downloads, you’ll notice it’s not easy. It’s actually hard and not performant at all. Making them fast requires custom code and a custom table.
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If you’re working with bundled products in Easy Digital Downloads, you’ll notice it’s not easy. It’s actually hard and not performant at all. Making them fast requires custom code and a custom table.
Read MoreWordPress Metabox is an additional content that can be added for any post type (post, page or custom). Every metabox can be used to display some information or to enable the user to insert additional information. In this tutorial we will learn how to easily create additional metaboxes using object oriented programming (OOP).
Many sites are using WordPress profile fields to add additional information about their users. WordPress profile fields can also be used in author boxes under each article. In this tutorial you will learn how to add them easily with object oriented programming and WordPress hooks.
Custom WordPress post statuses are useful when creating different custom post types and their statuses. One of the best example on how to use them is WooCommerce and the order statuses. In this tutorial we will create a simple class that will handle creating custom post statuses with ease.
Dynamic email templates are a very common thing and they are interesting to implement. In this tutorial we will create some email templates in our WordPress administration which will get populated by user data and sent to our email after a user registers.