WordPress Menu Items were unknown to me before I had to create a custom navigation item which has a dynamic URL based on the logged in user. I will introduce you to the WordPress Menu Item as a component which you can easily change as you want.

WordPress Menu Items were unknown to me before I had to create a custom navigation item which has a dynamic URL based on the logged in user. I will introduce you to the WordPress Menu Item as a component which you can easily change as you want.
BuddyPress is a plugin that transforms your WordPress site in a Social Network. Changing or extending the profile page is a common thing then, especially if you are working on a custom WordPress solution. In this tutorial you will learn how to add an additional tab on the profile page.
Did you ever want to show an article inside another article with a modal? Maybe something like a short introduction or a related article? In this tutorial we will create a new WordPress plugin that will create a modal window and show an article by clicking on a button inside another article.
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WordPress is a great CMS and has a nice feature for uploading files. That is the media uploader which can be found inside the WordPress administration. In this tutorial we will not use the media uploader. We will develop our own WordPress file upload using AJAX and PHP.
Creating a button or a link to download a file from WordPress in text is pretty simple: add an image and point it to an URL of the file. In this tutorial you will learn how to programmatically download a file.