Category: WordPress

Quick TipWordPress

How to Import Large Databases in Local by Flywheel Sites

Working with clients with WordPress sites can be difficult when you have to migrate their site locally so you can develop on it. If you’re using Local by Flywheel the site is hosted on Flywheel, you will have no problem. If their site is not a big one, you’ll also have no problem using some of the existing solutions such as WP Migrate DB Pro and alike. But what if your site has large databases (read tens of GB), what to do then?

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to migrate such large databases in Local by Flywheel through SSH.

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How to manage Order Item Meta in WooCommerce

When viewing WooCommerce order items, you or your clients might want to have additional information on it. What if you have multiple shipping addresses and you want to see an address under each shipping rate? What if there some Fees on your orders which should have a detailed description? In this tutorial, we are going to see how to manage order item meta in WooCommerce.

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