Tag: Plugin API

Extending Elementor: Custom Button Field & Skin
Elementor is a great Page Builder for WordPress sites. It is really developer friendly and that is why I have decided to give it a try and use it for a client of mine. In this tutorial, I will show you how to add a custom button field and a skin.

5 Ways to Make your WordPress Plugin Really Extensible
Creating a WordPress plugin can be really fun but you might create a plugin that other developers can’t extend. There will be clients that need something slightly different that you have made. Create extensible plugins so that other developers can jump in and add their own features. In this article, we will go through five ways which you can use today to make your plugin extensible.

How to Hook in WordPress Metadata
The WordPress Metadata is a powerful data structure that is being used across several parts of WordPress. That is why we have different tables that are used for storing the metadata. In this tutorial, I will teach you how to hook in the WordPress metadata and decide what to do with it.