Category: Plugins

How to create a WP CLI Command for Batch Imports or Exports
Working with imports or exports can be hard, especially on really large databases. WP CLI is a tool that helps you a lot. It can also help you with running imports or exports. If you expect large imports or exports, you can also create a WP CLI command for batch processing the data.

How to create an Asset Manager for WordPress Plugins
Working with assets is pretty simple in WordPress. You have two hooks where you call the enqueue functions and that’s it. But what if you want to load the styles or script on just particular pages or only when a widget or shortcode is called? In this tutorial, we will build an asset manager for your WordPress plugin which you can utilize.

Manage your WordPress Products with Trello
Running a Product Business can be hard and unless you’re well organized, it will be impossible to run it in the long run. Trello can help you manage your products and in this tutorial, I will show you how I manage my WordPress products with Trello.

Automation on Post Publish in WordPress
Automating is something that you’ll eventually need when developing. If you’re building plugins or custom solutions, you’ll want to automate some operations when a content gets published. WordPress offers scheduling of custom post types out of the box. Let’s see how can we hook on that and automate our code.